














作者:袁隆平     翻譯:火星翻譯

本來想一個人靜靜地陪您說會兒話,安江的鄉(xiāng)親們實在是太熱情了,天這么熱,他們還一直陪著,謝謝他們了。I did want to talk to you intimately, but the enthusiastic folks in An Jiang kept being with me in such a hot day. I cannot thank them enough.

媽媽,您在安江,我在長沙,隔得很遠很遠。我在夢里總是想著您,想著安江這個地方。Mum, you are in An Jiang, I am in Changsha, a long road in between. I miss you and An Jiang, even in my dreams.

人事難料啊,您這樣一位習慣了繁華都市的大家閨秀,最后竟會永遠留在這么一個偏遠的小山村。Change is the nature of life! Who can predicate that such a lady as you from the dazzling metropolis, would spend the rest of your life in such a remote village forever.

還記得嗎?1957年,我要從重慶的大學分配到這兒,是您陪著我,臉貼著地圖,手指順著密密麻麻的細線,找了很久,才找到地圖上這么一個小點點。Do you remember it? In 1957 when I was assigned here from the university of Chongqing, you helped me look into the map with a finger pointing the twisted lines, finding such a small point on the map ultimately.

當時您嘆了口氣說:“孩子,你到那兒,是要吃苦的呀……”我說:“我年輕,我還有一把小提琴。”沒想到的是,為了我,為了幫我?guī)『?,把您也拖到了安江。Then you sighed: “My son, if you insist, life would be harsh there…”I replied, “I am young, and I have a violin.”But I didn’t expect that later on, you had to live in An Jiang with us to take care my children.

最后,受累吃苦的,是媽媽您哪!您哪里走得慣鄉(xiāng)間的田埂!我總記得,每次都要小孫孫牽著您的手,您才敢走過屋前屋后的田間小道。In the end, you are the one who suffered! How can you get used to the bumpy paths in the countryside! I always remember that you dare not walk along the paths around the house without holding the hands of your grandson.

安江是我的一切,我卻忘了,對一輩子都生活在大城市里的您來說,70歲了,一切還要重新來適應。An Jiang was my life, but I didn’t realize that you, at the age of 70 and after a life time in big city, had to adopt it as a new start.

我從來沒有問過您有什么難處,我總以為會有時間的,會有時間的,等我閑一點一定好好地陪陪您……哪想到,直到您走的時候,我還在長沙忙著開會。I have never asked if you had any difficulty, and I always think that time is plenty, I will spend more time with you when I am free enough… But even the day when you leave me forever, I am still busy in a conference in Changsha.

那天正好是中秋節(jié),全國的同行都來了,搞雜交水稻不容易啊,我又是召集人,怎么著也得陪大家過這個節(jié)啊,只是兒子永遠虧欠媽媽您了……其實我知道,那個時候已經(jīng)是您的最后時刻。That day happened to be the Mid-autumn Festival when all the peers across China were gathered. It’s not easy to develop hybrid rice, and as the convener, I have the responsibility of being with them for this festival. Ah, mum, I, as a son, owe you too much. In fact, I know, it would be your last moment.

我總盼望著媽媽您能多撐兩天。誰知道,即便是天不亮就往安江趕,我還是沒能見上媽媽您最后一面。I always wished, mother, that you would wait for me for more days. Unexpectedly, even if I hurried back to An Jiang before dawn, I still failed to see you again, my dear mom.

太晚了,一切都太晚了,我真的好后悔。媽媽,當時您一定等了我很久,盼了我很長,您一定有很多話要對兒子說,有很多事要交代。It’s too late, really too late. I’m so regretful. Mum, you must have been expecting me for a long time, wish to see your son, talk to me for long as your last words…

可我怎么就那么糊涂呢!這么多年,為什么我就不能少下一次田,少做一次實驗,少出一天差,坐下來靜靜地好好陪陪您。哪怕……哪怕就一次。How could I have been so stupid! After all these years, why couldn’t I skip one field work, one experiment in the lab, one business travelling to sit down quietly with you. Just… just once.

媽媽,每當我的研究取得成果,每當我在國際講壇上談笑風生,每當我接過一座又一座獎杯,我總是對人說,這輩子對我影響最深的人就是媽媽您啊!Mum, whenever I had a research achievement, whenever I participate in the international forum, and whenever I received a trophy, I always said that, you, my mom, were the person with the most profound impacts on me!

無法想象,沒有您的英語啟蒙,在一片閉塞中,我怎么能夠閱讀世界上最先進的科學文獻,用超越那個時代的視野,去尋訪遺傳學大師孟德爾和摩爾根?I can’t imagine how, without learning English from you when I was a kid, how could I read the world’s most advanced scientific literature and absorb the insights from genetic masters Gregor Mendel and Morgan with a vision to go beyond that era?

無法想象,在那個顛沛流離的歲月中,從北平到漢口,從桃源到重慶,沒有您的執(zhí)著和鼓勵,我怎么能獲得系統(tǒng)的現(xiàn)代教育,獲得在大江大河中自由翱翔的膽識?I can’t imagine how could I obtained a systematic modern education and the courage seek knowledge from Bac Binh(Beijing) to Hankou, and Taoyuan to Chongqing without your persistent encouragement?

無法想象,沒有您在搖籃前跟我講尼采,講這位昂揚著生命力、意志力的偉大哲人,我怎么能夠在千百次的失敗中堅信,必然有一粒種子可以使萬千民眾告別饑餓?I can’t imagine that without you telling me in my cradle about Nitze, the great philosopher of life, how could I still believe, after so many failures, that there would be a seed to end hunger?

他們說,我用一粒種子改變了世界。我知道,這粒種子,是媽媽您在我幼年時種下的!It is said that I changed the world with one seed. But I know, this seed was planted in my childhood by you, my dear mom.

稻子熟了,媽媽,您能聞到嗎?安江可好?那里的田埂是不是還留著熟悉的歡笑?The rice is ripe, mum. Can you smell it? How’s everything in An Jiang? Are there still familiar smiling faces along the ridges of fields?

隔著21年的時光,我依稀看見,小孫孫牽著您的手,走過稻浪的背影;我還要告訴您,一輩子沒有耕種過的母親,稻芒劃過手掌,稻草在場上堆積成垛,谷子在陽光中畢剝作響,水田在西曬下泛出橙黃的味道。這都是兒子要跟您說的話,說不完的話啊…媽媽,稻子熟了,我想您了!Looking back to the days 21 years ago, I still see your little grandson holding your hand and walking behind you along the waving rice field. I also want to tell you, my mother who had never tilled in her life, has a grain in her hand, with the paddy fields smelling fragrant in the orange west Sun. These are what I want to say to you, and more words… Mum, rice is ripe, mum, I miss you!

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